“Remember, my hearer, that in the day of judgment thy account must be personal; God will not ask you what your church did – he will ask you what you did yourself.” (Spurgeon)
Many people, including myself, keep many excuses for not doing things in our back-pocket. Always ready to pull one out, just in case someone asks us to do something. We don't like being inconvenienced, put in a situation that makes us uncomfortable. We also don't like to work hard if we don't have to. As the old saying goes, "Work smart, not hard."
God has called, commanded, that we do certain things. I fear that we have just as many excuses burning a hole in our pocket for Him that we do for everyone else.
"I would love to "Go" Lord, but I have kids."
"I would love to "Make Disciples", but work really takes up a lot of my time."
"I would love to "Love My Neighbors", but when I get home I really just want to relax and have some me time."
I am reminded of the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25. Jesus tells a story of a man who is going on a journey. Before he leaves he gives each of his servants a portion of his property. To one he gives 5 talents, to one he gives two talents and to another 1.
The servants who had the five and two talents did something with what they were given to make the man a profit. So when he returned they had both doubled what they had been given. This pleased the man. Saying, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
The servant that had been given one, dug a hole and buried the talent. He didn't have anything but what had been given to him.
The Masters response to him was not well done. It was, "‘You wicked and slothful servant!"
The first two servants were proactive with what had been given to them. They did something with what they had been given. The third servant was lazy and only gave excuses for why he did nothing with what he had been given.
Are you a slothful, a lazy, servant of the Lord? Have you been given much from the Lord and only give excuses in return?
1. Do the work. The Lord of Glory has called you and has sent you. This should bring joy, not a burden. (2 Timothy 4:5, Colossians 4:17, Matthew 28:19)
2. Check your heart. If you do not want to do the work of your Master, then perhaps Jesus is not your Master. Repent of your slothfulness, ask Him to give you a heart for Him and His service. (Luke 16:13, Matthew 6:33, Psalm 2:11)
3. You are not strong enough to do what God has called you to. That is why you are called to rely on Him. (Philippians 4:19, John 15:4-5, Proverbs 3:5-6)
4. God is with you. He has promised to be with you as you go and serve Him. This should give you boldness, this should bring you peace. (Matthew 28:20, Joshua 1:9, Deuteronomy 31:8)
There is much work to be done. People to be reached with the Gospel. People to be discipled and counseled. He has sent us, He is who we rely on and He has promised to be with us.
"Prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves." (James 1:22)No more excuses. No more laziness. Let us not bury what the Lord has given us.
Instead, let us strive to be good and faithful servants to the Lord.
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